Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yuzo Koshiro + 16 bit music = fond memories

Yuzo Koshiro is the musical genius behind the Streets of Rage soundtracks. Being one of my favorite game series of all time I was pleasantly surprised Itunes has released his greatest hits. Itunes Botched the artist name (not a first for Itunes) but they score Bigg points for giving us some beefy 16-bit 90s house bliss. At 6.99 (like forty tracks) an album its a bang for your bucks. The track I have for you is the intro to the game. Its smooth, Misty and it makes me think the 16-bit metropolis were Streets Fuckin Rage!!!
follow the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?eblm11jvogn

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god. Ryan. This is quite possibly the coolest fucking blog entry I have ever seen ever. Nice work.
